Learning List has reviewed Edvantage Interactive’s AP Chemistry 1 and AP Chemistry 2. The combined products comprise a comprehensive resource that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry courses. Content is available in print format with additional digital learning tools. Instruction addresses the College Board’s course framework for AP Chemistry with an emphasis on real-world problem solving linked to contemporary problems (e.g., buffering agents in over the counter medications). [Read more…]
Content for AP Chemistry 1 and AP Chemistry 2 is organized in student worktexts for each chapter and accompanying “Online Study Guide” resources. AP Chemistry 1 is made up of nine chapters that cover the skills and processes of chemistry, matter, the mole, chemical change, chemical relationships and patterns, solution chemistry, gases, and organic chemistry. AP Chemistry 2 is made up of seven chapters that address reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, solubility equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium, applications of acid-base reactions, and oxidation-reduction and its applications.
Online Study Guide resources for each chapter include the “Traffic Light Study Guide,” “Study Notes,” “Video Solutions,” printable answer keys, and quizzes. The Traffic Light Study Guide is a printable student self-assessment tool. Study Notes are downloadable PowerPoint notes for each chapter section. Video Solutions provide step-by-step explanations of the solutions to problems.
About Edvantage Interactive*
AP Chemistry 1 and AP Chemistry 2 by Edvantage Interactive are designed to support the AP Chemistry student succeed in the course. Developed by teachers with proven success in teaching AP Chemistry and senior year Chemistry, the program combines the best of a textbook at the price of a workbook. Edvantage Interactive prints digitally so there is the opportunity to add up to 50 pages of teacher created content to the book and the cover image can also be changed to reflect the school, community or chemistry program at no additional charge.
*Information in the section is provided by or adapted from Edvantage Interactive.
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