Learning List has reviewed Corwin Press’ Puzzle Piece Phonics (PPP), which is a supplemental product that supports word study in grades K-2. Content is available in print format. Across grades, the program provides systematic and explicit instruction in spelling and phonics patterns. Instruction incorporates puzzle piece manipulatives that help students recognize sound and spelling patterns and their connections to word structure.
PPP’s core content is organized in units, or “Concepts.” Each Concept is broken into instructional weeks that include a weekly focus. Content follows a logical sequence that builds on similarities in concepts and patterns. The pacing of instruction is deliberately measured to ensure that students have adequate time to master patterns before moving on to the next concept. [Read more…]
As its title suggests, PPP uses the convention of puzzle pieces to organize learning. Each of PPP’s puzzle pieces represents a single letter, sound or spelling pattern (e.g., long a, the digraph ch), and each piece displays its letter, sound, or pattern; a word that uses the letter/sound/pattern; and a related image. Instruction is organized in a set of predictable routines that introduce each new concept and each week’s focus, integrate ongoing review of previous concepts and patterns, check for understanding, and address specific elements of phonics instruction, such as phonemic awareness, recognizing sight words, building fluency, and so on.
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Corwin, a SAGE Publishing company, is the premier provider of professional learning products and services that equip educators with the resources needed to improve teaching and learning. Corwin offers print books and eBooks, digital products, and onsite consulting services for all types of educators at all stages of their careers. Corwin resources are authored by experts on the topics most relevant to education; formatted for hands-on, practical guidance; research based and peer reviewed for quality; and designed for professional learning.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Corwin Press.