Blue Duck Education’s Mangahigh is a supplemental online mathematics product that supports skills practice and test preparation in grades K-8 and Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and Precalculus high school courses. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grades K-8 and Algebra I. Content is formatted in math games that allow students to practice math skills. [Read more…]
Across grade levels, games address specific standards and skills, such as using frequency tables, adding fractions, or identifying points on a number line. Students earn points for correct answers and earn medals (i.e., gold, silver bronze) for accumulating points and improving their performance. Games are adaptive in the sense that questions become more challenging as students answer questions correctly, and less challenging as students answer incorrectly.
Games are presented using two platforms: “Prodigi” and “Math Games.” Prodigi games are designed to familiarize students with Next Generation assessments and include questions in multiple choice, drag and drop, and true/false formats. Math Games reflect the style of arcade games in which the goal is to move characters or objects through or across an obstacle-laden course. For example, in an Algebra I Math Games, students must successfully factor quadratic equations in order to keep ships from sinking. Students earn points for each ship they save.
About Mangahigh* is one of the world’s first Games-Based Learning sites, where students learn Mathematics via purpose-built casual games that balance fun and learning. Mangahigh was founded by an experienced team of mathematicians and game specialists who strive to balance game play and education. The educational content within Mangahigh is based on the core standards and is delivered through its proprietary educational games. Each game covers certain learning topics and is designed to dynamically adapt in difficulty to the ability of the student in order to make the user experience engaging, entertaining and personal.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Mangahigh.
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