Does your district need instructional materials to support high school students in developing critical reading and writing skills? Take a look at Learning List’s review of Common Places: Integrated Reading and Writing.
McGraw-Hill’s Common Places: Integrated Reading and Writing is intended to support students in the development of college-level reading and writing skills. The material is available as part of McGraw-Hill’s higher education offerings. It is available in print or digital forms. The goal of the material is to help students read from the writer’s perspective and write for specific purposes and audiences.
Common Places focuses student learning around the skills students need to be successful in college, such as critical thinking, reading, and writing. The material scaffolds instruction to provide students with step-by-step guidance, using writing exemplars or student samples as models for reading and writing.
Common Places does not address foundational reading skills. Rather, the materials require students to read extensively and consistently integrate reading and writing. Students are encouraged to read and write for a variety of purposes. The design and content of the material will support self-paced instruction or a blended learning environment.
See Learning List’s Editorial Review for more information about the instructional content and rigor of this material. Learning List has also completed a review of the material’s technology compatibility. The publisher has not correlated this material to the TEKS. For this reason, Learning List has not conducted an alignment review of this material. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
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McGraw-Hill Education’s mission is to accelerate learning through intuitive, engaging, efficient and effective experiences – grounded in research.
By partnering with educators around the globe, McGraw-Hill learning engineers, content developers and pedagogical experts are developing increasingly open learning ecosystems that are proven to improve pass rates, elevate grades and increase engagement for each individual learner while improving outcomes for all.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from McGraw Hill Education.
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