Dreambox is a supplemental online math program for grades K-8. Learning List recently reviewed Dreambox for grades K-5. Dreambox is self-paced and adaptive to address multiple learning levels. The program is available in English and Spanish. It provides math lessons and practice in an engaging, fully adaptive, digital format. The digital lesson environments are age appropriate and can be assigned by the teacher.
Dreambox lessons focus on developing conceptual understanding, procedural skills, and fact fluency. Teachers assign the initial grade level to each student, then the program adapts each lesson to meet the needs of the student. As a result, every student has a unique lesson pathway. Teachers can also assign specific lessons to individual students or to the class.
Teachers can easily track student progress by standard, minutes active, and lessons completed using easy-to-read reports automatically generated by the system. Dreambox encourages home-school connection through the Family Dashboard, which allows parents and guardians to monitor student progress.
Learning List has completed a standard-by-standard alignment report, qualitative review of the instructional content and a review of the technology compatibility for each grade level covered by this material. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About Dreambox*
Dreambox’s mission is to radically transform the way the world learns. Their vision for childrens’ futures is, “We believe all children can excel at learning, no matter where they start, where they live, or who they are. Along with district administrators, teachers, principals, and parents, we are dedicated to helping children realize their potential. Yet every child must be challenged, encouraged, and engaged in an individual way.”
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Dreambox.