McGraw Hill’s Thrive™ powered by Time To Know®

[Source: McGraw Hill]
[Source: McGraw Hill]
McGraw Hill’s Thrive™ powered by Time To Know® is a comprehensive, online resource to support English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and Science instruction in 1:1 computer-based learning environments. Resources support teacher-led, data-driven instruction in classrooms that integrate technology. Learning List has reviewed Thrive ELA resources for grades 3-8.

Thrive presents content at grade level in five or six thematic units (e.g., Personal Discoveries) made up of Reading Modules and a Writing Module. Each grade also has a set of “Literature Study” works to extend classroom instruction or for students to read independently.

Reading Modules focus on authentic literary and informational texts. Each module begins with a “Model Reading” activity that guides students through a text, posing questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies (e.g., “What is the narrator’s problem, or conflict?”). After Model Reading lessons, students reread the text in a “Close Reading” activity in which they answer text-dependent questions. Most Reading Modules contain a second “Anchor Text” followed by another Close Reading activity. Writing Modules address the writing process, planning and drafting, editing and revising, and publishing and presenting. Writing Modules include opportunities for peer review and instruction in grammar and usage.

About Thrive ELA*

Improving student engagement with reading, writing, and speaking is at the core of the Thrive English language arts program. Guided reads, model reads, and anchor text selections—with a 50/50 balance of fiction, literary nonfiction, and informational texts—provide students with context for learning at their own levels and paces to build close reading and writing skills.

Structured lesson plans deepen students’ understanding of texts, while genre‐specific writing tutorials reflect the shifts in ELA instruction, for which the Thrive English language arts program is designed. An emphasis on analytical writing and writing to sources affords students opportunities to practice and apply foundational literacy skills, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies as they foster a lifelong

*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from McGraw Hill Education.


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