My son and daughter attend a rural school district where most teachers wear multiple hats. For example, my son’s math teacher is also a football, basketball, and baseball coach requiring him to stay at school until at least 7:00 pm most nights, and on game day he’s there until the team returns, which is often after 10:30 pm. Then, he’s back at school by 7:00 the next morning.
The challenges in this rural school are not unique; in every rural district, teachers juggle many professional responsibilities unrelated to the courses they teach. When, then, do they have time to ensure that their lessons implement the state standards with fidelity? The materials used in a lesson will either help students learn the knowledge and skills the standards require or distract them, undermining the lesson’s effectiveness. [Read More…]
As any teacher knows, materials are not always aligned everywhere the publisher claims them to be. Learning List’s independent alignment reports take the guess work out of the equation. Our alignment reports show specific citations (e.g., lessons, pages, videos) that multiple experienced subject matter experts have verified to be fully aligned to each state, CCSS, NGSS or AP standard. Moreover, the alignment reports are downloadable so that teachers can copy the “aligned” citations from our reports directly into their lesson plans. Learning List’s detailed alignment reports give teachers confidence that they are using their materials effectively to teach the knowledge and skills the standards require their students to learn.