New Product Review: NSF C5 Project AP CSP Cyber Supplemental

Learning List has reviewed NSF (National Science Foundation) C5 Project’s AP CSP Cyber Supplemental. This is a supplemental product that supports instruction in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles (CSP) courses. Content is available online. Course resources are made up of downloadable PowerPoint lecture slides and downloadable lab activities and assessments in Word format. Instruction addresses the cybersecurity-related learning objectives …

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New Product Review: The Math Learning Center’s Bridges Intervention

Learning List has reviewed The Math Learning Center’s Bridges Intervention. This supplemental product supports Tier 2 Response to Intervention (RtI) programs in mathematics for grades K-5. Content is available in print format. Instruction is designed to complement core math instruction and focuses on providing targeted small group and one-to-one instruction in fundamental numeracy and computation concepts and skills. [Read more…]

New Review: Cengage Learning’s Calculus for AP

Learning List recently reviewed Cengage Learning’s Calculus for AP, which is is a comprehensive single-variable course for Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC courses. Resources are available in print format and include some online resources. Instruction is designed specifically for AP courses and provides guidance in preparing for and taking AP exams. …[read more]

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