Curriculum Review: TCI’s K-5 Social Studies Alive!

Images of TCI's social studies materials

Learning List recently reviewed the quality and technology compatibility of Teachers’ Curriculum Institute’s (TCI’s) Social Studies Alive! elementary program. We were not asked to review the material’s alignment to any state social studies standards. Subscribing districts may request a review of the material to their state’s standards.

Social Studies Alive! is a comprehensive, curriculum designed to support social studies instruction for students in grades K-5. Materials are available in print and digital formats. The program intends to provide an engaging learning experience through interactive, inquiry-based lessons that include cross-curricular connections.

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New Reviews: TCI Social Studies Series

Teachers’ Curriculum Institute’s (TCI) provides comprehensive and supplemental resources to support social studies instruction in grades K-6 and 8-10. Learning List has recently completed reviews of this social studies series.

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