New Reviews: Studies Weekly’s Texas Science Curriculum (K-5)

Thumbnail of Studies Weekly's Texas Science Curriculum (K-5)

Studies Weekly’s Texas Science (Studies Weekly) is a core science program for grades K-5. The program focuses on engaging students in science using reading, writing, and drawing. The materials are available in print and digital format. The digital format includes printable PDF documents, accessed through the Studies Weekly platform.

Science Weekly organizes learning in units. Units consist of three primary sections: the phenomenon or problem, inquiry activities, and additional activities to support learning the content.

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Studies Weekly Is Now 100% Aligned

American Legacy Publishing’s Studies Weekly Texas K-5 Social Studies Series provides resources to support elementary social studies instruction in print and online formats. With newly developed content, Learning List has verified that Studies Weekly is aligned to 100% of the TEKS for grades K-5.

New Reviews: American Legacy Publishing’s Social Studies

American Legacy Publishing’s Studies Weekly Texas K-5 Social Studies Series provides resources to support elementary social studies instruction in print and online formats. Studies Weekly Magazines are delivered to schools in four quarterly installments. Each installment includes six to seven weekly units of instruction.

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