New Product Review: TeachTransform Master Fractions

Master Fractions

Learning List has reviewed TeachTransform’s Master Fractions. This is a supplemental product that supports mathematics instruction in grades 2-5. Resources are available in print format and are designed for teachers. The text’s blackline masters must be copied for student use. Instruction focuses solely on fractions; other math content is not addressed. At each grade level, Master Fractions provides a variety …

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New Review: TeachTransform’s Start Quick and Ramp It Up!

Learning List has reviewed Teach Transform’s Start Quick and Ramp It Up! This set of supplemental print resources supports mathematics instruction at grade 4. The program scaffolds instruction from grade 3 to 4 for struggling students and provides on-grade level and more challenging extension activities. Content focuses on developing students’ ability to reason mathematically and understand and implement problem-solving strategies… [read more]

New Product Review: Algebra I Mini Interventions: Linear Equations and Inequalities

Learning List has reviewed Region 13 Education Service Center’s Algebra I Mini Interventions: Linear Equations and Inequalities. This is a supplemental product that helps teachers understand and teach the student expectations (SEs) added to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Algebra I in 2012. Instruction addresses only that content added to the “Linear Equations, Functions, and Inequalities” strand …

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