Summit K-12 provides a set of integrated products that address topics in life science, physical science, earth and space science, and environmental science. Products include: (1) “ConceptLinks” interactive eBooks, (2) “Concept Booster” mini-lessons, and (3) “Vocabulary Booster” digital flashcards.
- ConceptLinks interactive eBooks are a set of 64 readers that address 16 science topics (e.g., animals, cells, weather). For each topic, eBooks are presented at four Lexile-based reading levels: Blue (450L-560L), Green (540L-720L), Orange (660L-790L), and Purple (720L-850L). eBooks are not grade specific and may be used to support students across grades 2-8, depending upon their reading abilities.
- Concept Booster mini-lessons are grade specific and address the science and English language arts/reading TEKS for the given grade level. Mini-lessons are built around interactive e-Posters that present images which facilitate the discussion of new concepts and vocabulary.
- Vocabulary Booster interactive flashcards contain an image and sentence with a missing word on one side. For example, an image of a toad is paired with the sentence, “Dry and bumpy are two [blank] of this toad’s skin.”). The flip side of the card contains the correct term (e.g., “physical properties”), the term’s definition, and additional practice sentences for students to complete (e.g., “One physical property of a/an [blank] is its bright color.”).
About Summit K-12*
The authors of our ConceptLinks ® Literacy and Connect to Literacy programs have uniquely blended standards aligned Nonfiction Science and Social Studies content with Language and Literacy development skills and strategies.
- We Engage Digital Learners with State of the Art Interactive eBooks and Digital Curriculum
- We enable teachers to Differentiate instruction with each content area being leveled to four reading levels using the five major leveling scales – DRA, Reading Recovery, Guided Reading, Lexile, and TESOL
- Our Solutions are research-based and aligned to the Science, Social Studies, ELA, and ELL standards in all 50 states and to the NGSS Science Standards and Common Core ELA Standards.
- ConceptLinks ® enables students from all backgrounds and aptitudes to Achieve results
- Our Digital Solutions are device and browser agnostic and will run on all major platforms
- We offer each program 100% in Print and 100% in Digital and any combination in-between to meet your individual classroom needs
- Implementation Services and Professional Development are Paramount to delivering our solutions with Fidelity
- Our team works daily to improve our products, content alignment, ease of use, and program efficacy based on sound research and customer feedback.
*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from Summit K-12.
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