Do your elementary teachers need materials to help them integrate science and literacy instruction? Take a look at Learning List’s review of Learning A-Z’s Science A-Z.
Learning A-Z’s Science A-Z is part of a suite of materials intended to support the development of 21st century skills. It is a supplemental program that supports science instruction in grades K through 6. The focus of the program is integrating science and reading instruction through multilevel texts and hands-on learning experiences.
Science and literacy instruction share focus throughout the materials, with big ideas about science providing the basis for instruction. The program includes a large number of leveled texts about science topics that are appropriate for use in a balanced literacy model. The material includes a substantial number of resources to support a blended learning environment, as well as inquiry-based science instruction.
While the material is easier to use if students have ready access to technology, many of the materials can be printed in PDF format. The material is provided in English, with most essential components, such as student reading selections, also provided in Spanish.
Read Learning List’s full editorial review to learn more about how Science A to Z can be used to meet the varied learning needs of students. Learning List has also completed a standard-by-standard review of the alignment of the material, and a review of the product’s technology compatibility. To learn more about this product and thousands more PreK-12 instructional materials, contact Learning List for subscription information.
About Learning A to Z*
Learning A to Z is an education technology company that provides literacy-focused PreK-6 solutions for instruction and practice. Learning A to Z helps students develop 21st century skills, provides high-quality instructional resources, and offers at-home tools to keep parents involved in learning.
Information in this section is provided by or adapted from Learning A to Z.
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