Learning List has reviewed The Math Learning Center’s Bridges Intervention. This supplemental product supports Tier 2 Response to Intervention (RtI) programs in mathematics for grades K-5. Content is available in print format. Instruction is designed to complement core math instruction and focuses on providing targeted small group and one-to-one instruction in fundamental numeracy and computation concepts and skills. [Read more…]
Bridges Intervention presents content in two sets. Each set is made up of separate “Volumes” that address specific mathematics domains within the Common Core State Standards (e.g., operations and algebraic thinking). Content in each volume addresses standards for multiple grade levels, and instruction is organized by topic (e.g., basic addition and subtraction), not grade level.
Each volume begins with a placement test and contains between 8 to 12 modules that focus on specific learning goals (e.g., “Solve subtraction problems by finding an unknown addend.”). Within each volume, modules begin with the most basic concepts and skills and build to address more complex content. Each module is made up of five 30-minute “sessions” or lessons. The first four sessions provide instruction in the form of warm-ups, games and activities, and guided practice. The fifth session focuses on formative assessment.
About the Math Learning Center*
The Math Learning Center’s (MLC) mission is to inspire and enable individuals to discover and develop their mathematical confidence and ability. From its inception, MLC has been committed to addressing the needs of classroom teachers and their students.
The MLC grew out of a project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to improve the teaching of mathematics. The founders spent several years traveling to schools to observe classrooms and visit with teachers and students. Over time they developed a philosophy that emphasizes building a deeper understanding before engaging more abstract concepts. Motivated to continue creating new methods of math instruction, they established MLC as a nonprofit corporation in 1976.
*Information in this section is provided by or adapted from the The Math Learning Center.
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