New Science Curriculum Reviews: PhD Science K-5

PhD Science curriculum thumbnail

Great Minds’ PhD Science Texas (PhD Science Texas) is a comprehensive science curriculum for grades K-5. The material focuses on students making sense of and explaining scientific phenomena. The goal of the program is for students to “engage in learning that builds their coherent understanding of scientific knowledge.” As of September 2023, the materials are available in print only.

PhD Science Texas organizes learning in three modules per grade level, based on topics typically addressed in elementary science. Each module includes multiple lessons which are grouped based on related concepts. Lessons are intended for 35 minutes of instruction in grades K-2 and 45 minutes of instruction in grades 3-5.

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New Science Curriculum Reviews: Savvas Texas Experience Science

Cover of Savvas' Texas Experience Grade 5 science curriculum

Savvas’ Texas Experience Science is a comprehensive science curriculum for grades K-8, which focuses on bringing science concepts to life through collaborative, hands-on activities. The material is available in English and in Spanish and in print and digital formats.

Experience Science organizes learning around seven topics in each grade level. Each topic includes a launch, which introduces the topic, an anchoring phenomenon, and multiple “Experiences” (lessons). Experiences are based on the 5E model and span three, four, or five days of instruction, depending on the lesson model teachers select.

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New Science Curriculum Review: HMH Into Science Texas K-8

Looking for an activity-based science curriculum? Don’t miss our reviews of HMH’s Into Science.

Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt’s Into Science (Into Science) is a comprehensive science program for grades K-8. The program focuses on providing student-centered activities intended to “bring out every student’s inner scientist.” Learning List has reviewed the version of the material submitted for state adoption under Texas Proclamation 2024. While the Texas version includes content specifically aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), the material’s format and features are likely the same as in the national version. Thus, the information contained in this review would be useful to districts in every state.

The materials are available in print and in digital format. The digital version of the material is provided on HMH’s Ed platform.

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New Curriculum Review: Kiddom’s OpenSciEd

As the materials adoption season begins, curriculum reviews can save you hours of work. If you are looking at science materials, learn about a science curriculum we have reviewed for middle school.

OpenSciEd Science powered by Kiddom is a comprehensive science program for grades 6-8 and high school Biology. This review is based on the version of the material submitted for state adoption under Texas Proclamation 2024. While the publisher may have developed some content in this version specifically to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the material’s format and features are likely the same as in the national version of the material. Thus, the information contained in this review would be useful to districts in every state.

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New Curriculum Review: Savvas’ Elevate Science for NGSS

Elevate Science Grade 5 image: multi-colored hotair baloon with the word "Elevate" underneath

Does your district need instructional materials to support K-8 implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of Savvas’ (formerly Pearson) Elevate Science.

Elevate Science is a comprehensive science program for grades K-8. Materials are available in print and online. The program focuses on providing student-centered, three-dimensional learning. Elevate supports the development of critical and analytical thinking while developing literacy skills and an interest in STEM related activities.

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New Products: High School Science Dimensions for NGSS

HMH Science Dimenions Chemistry

Is your district looking for high school science materials to support implementation of the NGSS? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Science Dimensions for Biology, Earth and Space Science, and Chemistry.

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Trends in Materials Designed for NGSS

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NGSS: picture of a microscope

The Next Generation Science Standards are impacting science education for approximately 71% of United States students. As of January 2020, twenty states have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which are based on the National Research Council Framework for K-12 Science Education. An additional twenty-four states have adopted their own standards that are based on the National Research Council Framework for K-12 Science Education.

As teachers across the country have realized, NGSS changes the expectation for what science instruction looks like. NGSS moves students beyond just knowing science and demonstrating their knowledge through completing scripted science experiments and demonstrations to doing science and solving problems like scientists and engineers. This means the materials for science instruction have to change, too.

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New Science Curriculum Review: STEMscopes NGSS 3D

STEMScopes NGSS 3D logo

Is your district looking for a new science curriculum to support the implementation of the NGSS? Take a look at Learning List’s review of Accelerate Learning’s STEMscopes NGSS 3D.

STEMscopes is a comprehensive science program for grades K-12. Learning List recently reviewed the materials for K-8. Elementary content is organized by grade level, and middle school content is divided into three courses: Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science. The materials are digital, with the option of printing PDF documents for most program components.

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New Curriculum Review: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Science Dimensions for NGSS

HMH Science Dimensions

Does your district need instructional materials to support implementation of the NGSS? Take a look at Learning List’s reviews of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Science Dimensions.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Science Dimensions is a comprehensive science program for grades K-12. Learning List has reviewed the materials for middle school Life, Earth and Space, and Physical Science. Science Dimensions provides relevant, real-world opportunities for students to work and think like scientists and engineers. The material supports the intention of the Next Generation Science Standards by consistently providing students with three-dimensional learning experiences, integrating the Cross-Cutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices with the Disciplinary Core Ideas.

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New Product: Glencoe’s iScience for NGSS


Glencoe’s iScience is a set of comprehensive materials for middle school science. Materials are available in print and online. Each discipline of science (life, earth and space, physical) is a separate set of materials designed to encourage students to learn scientific concepts and apply those concepts to the real world.

iScience supports the intent of the Next Generation Science Standards with numerous opportunities for students to be scientists and do science. Materials encourage students to make connections between scientific concepts and real-world scientific phenomena. Units include a variety of labs that increase in complexity throughout the unit.  Consistent application of the 5E model as well as labs, questions, and lesson activities provide numerous opportunities for student to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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