Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s California GO Math!™ is a comprehensive, mathematics product for students in grades K-8. Content is available in print and digital formats. Learning List recently reviewed resources for grades K-5. California GO Math! focuses on building students’ understanding of math in conjunction with their developing reading and writing skills. At each grade level, the program provides extensive resources for Response to Intervention (RtI) students and English language learners (ELLs). [Read more…]
Posts about reviews of materials designed for intervention
New Product Review: Mentoring Minds’ Total Motivation Math
Mentoring Minds’ Total Motivation Math is a supplemental product that supports targeted remediation and preparation for Texas’ STAAR mathematics exams in grades 6-8. Content is available in print and online formats. Content is organized using a clear structure that focuses on direct instruction, practice, and assessment. Instruction supports Response to Intervention programs as well as test preparation. Total Motivation Math …
How to Use Online Instructional Materials Effectively with Struggling Students
With the beginning of spring semester comes many decisions regarding ways to help struggling students grasp the required standards before state assessments. Teachers often turn to online instructional materials to help reinforce the concepts and skills for these students. Many online materials offer formative assessments, individualized learning paths, reteach lessons, and various reports on student learning. If used correctly, these …